HSM PURE 830 C Document Shredder (Shred Capacity: 33-35 Sheets, Cross Cut: 4.5x30mm, Bin Capacity: 150 Liters)_Made in Germany
HSM PURE 830 C Document Shredder (Shred Capacity: 33-35 Sheets, Cross Cut: 4.5x30mm, Bin Capacity: 150 Liters)_Made in Germany
Brand: HSM
Quantity: 10
Weight(grams): 80000
Color: White
Model: HSM PURE 830 C
Dimension: 579W x 548D x 954H mm
Bin Capacity: 150 liters
Noise Level: 60dB(A)
Machine Warranty: 5 Years Warranty on proper working order provided the product is used as intended
Security Level DIN 66399: P-4
Item Weight: 73kg
Intake Width: 330mm
Cutting Type: Cross Cut
Cutting Size: 4.5x30mm (Cross Cut)
Shred Material: Papers, staples, paper clips, credit cards, CDs
Cutting Capacity (Paper/80gsm): 33-35 sheets
HSM Pure 830 - 4.5 x 30 mm
HSM Pure 830 document shredder
The particularly powerful shredder designed for the department. The efficient drive is highly effective for an increased cutting performance in continuous operation. The powerful cutting roller for large quantities of paper is impressive due to its high cutting performance.

Inquiry - HSM PURE 830 C Document Shredder (Shred Capacity: 33-35 Sheets, Cross Cut: 4.5x30mm, Bin Capacity: 150 Liters)_Made in Germany